The property is located between Alfonso X el Sabio Street and Gonzalo de Berceo Street in the municipality of Villalbilla (Madrid).
Distance to Madrid city center: 48 km
Distance to the Airport: 35 km
Distance to Atocha (high-speed train): 41 km
Commuter train with direct line to Madrid city center: 11 km (Alcalá de Henares)
Villalbilla is a municipality located in the Alcarria de Alcalá region, bordering Alcalá de Henares and Anchuelo to the north, and Corpa, Valverde de Alcalá, and Torres de la Alameda to the south. The area is dominated by the Viso Hill, Alto de la Muela, and Dehesa de los Hueros (place names according to the Army Geographic Service).
The municipality consists of several population centers: the villages of Villalbilla and Los Hueros (the latter incorporated into Villalbilla in the 19th century due to its small population) and five residential areas: two near Villalbilla (El Robledal and Valdeláguila) and four near Los Hueros (El Viso, El Gurugú, Peñas Albas, and Zulema). The historic center of the town is 42 km from Madrid.
In the north of the municipality flows the Anchuelo stream. The northern boundary features a steep slope belonging to Alcalá, descending sharply towards the Henares River, known as El Gurugú.
Nearby the building, you will find schools, supermarkets, playgrounds, restaurants, and more.
Given the time elapsed since the License was granted and the changes in the applicable Regulations, it is essential to check how they affect the property and what updates are needed regarding installations and finishes.
The following issues need to be addressed:
If you are interested, contact us for more information, we will be happy to assist you.
Tel. 647 334 537
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